Learning Needs Diagnosis and Analysis ~ Bay Hewitt Training, Recruitment, Consulting Solutions - Philippines

Friday, January 7, 2011

Learning Needs Diagnosis and Analysis

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Many learning programs today start with a PowerPoint design even without taking a closer look at the actual needs of the target learners. This is a costly mistake to the learning department and the organization, because without assessing the needs and analyzing the root cause of performance gaps, your program may not be very effective or worst, meaningless and irrelevant at all to the target audience.

In this session, learn how to systematize the root cause analysis process that leads to an effective and efficient training needs analysis system. You will learn how to use different tools that will make your analyst role easier.

As a training professional, when was the last time you actually used hard data, observations, and interview insights to build a robust training program? Have you ever heard of a Results Map, The Mager and Pipe Performance Analysis Model, or the 3Ds of Assessment and Analysis? If you’re not familiar with any of these, then you know the right answer: this program is for you.

For those wishing to learn or improve their learning and performance needs assessment and analysis, this is the program for you. If you are a trainer, training supervisor, training manager, senior manager or teacher looking to solve the performance gaps in your organization, this is the ultimate right learning session to attend.

  • Identify and differentiate needs using performance analysis and organizational analysis models;

  • Utilize the 3Ds of Assessment and Analysis in the context of your own role and organization;

  • Enrich one's TNA practice with thoughts, techniques, and tools derived from industry best practices and trends;

  • Introduction to TNA/LNA

  • Assessment vs. Analysis

  • The Four Kinds of Needs

  • Using a Results Map

  • The Mager and Pipe Performance Analysis Model

  • 3 Approaches to Conducting TNA

  • Competency Modeling

  • Live TNA Case

  • Strategic TNA Framework
  • To see if this program is available in our public learning event schedules, please go to the PUBLIC LEARNING EVENT CALENDAR.

    If you would like to request a proposal for a private, in-house or customized version of this learning program, please go to REQUEST A PROPOSAL.

    There is an available brochure for this program. Please download HERE.

    For those planning to attend a public training or workshop on this topic, please read our PUBLIC LEARNING EVENT POLICY.

    For any other additional questions, please contact (02) 925-1BAY (229) or info@bayhewitt.com. You may also access our CONTACT PAGE HERE.


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